Our #BetterThingsToDo in 2017
January 01, 2017 | Filed in: Humans of MM
2016 was a major year for MM. We passed big milestones (our very first pantsuit, a gorgeous new showroom), grew like gangbusters (look at all of our team members, shown below in our swanky silk pieces!), and—best of all—had the distinct pleasure of helping women all over the country stop worrying about what to wear… so that you can focus on your #BetterThingsToDo.
We already know that 2017 will bring more of those things, and we’re ready for them. In lieu of resolutions, our staffers name their “better things” for the coming year below. Be inspired, and happy new year!
“I’m going to buy the expensive scotch I’ve been wanting to own, try as many face masks as possible, and embrace the fact that I only want to wear black.” -Hanna, senior associate, pop-up sales & operations
“Figure out how to peel a hardboiled egg without destroying the egg!” -Annabel, senior customer operations associate

“Have a wedding in the middle of the woods.” -Renata, finance coordinator
“I plan to hit on/pick up a stranger in a bar. It happens in movies all the time, so why not try it—and what do I have to lose? I’ve also decided to not feel guilty about the Sundays when I don’t leave the apartment (I deserve a day to sit and do nothing but watch Netflix sometimes)!” -Alexa, logistics coordinator
“Smile more.” -Zuzana, finance manager

“Enter the lottery for Hamilton tickets EVERY DAY, try (again) to catch up on House of Cards before the next season comes out, plan a trip to Iceland, and beat my record of three straight weekends at the beach in August.” -Hannah, front-end engineer
“Finally make it to the Museum of Natural History, learn how to simultaneously operate my stovetop and oven without setting off the fire alarm, and see what all this Gilmore Girls hype is about.” -Alex, editorial associate

“Perfect my snickerdoodle recipe, and to eat more cookies in general.” -Mollie, intern, design team
“I’ve spent the last 10 years talking about how I’m ‘working on a book.’ Next year, I’m going to finally freaking write it.” -Tory, editor-in-chief
“Have once-a-week date nights with my boyfriend, and get more massages.” -Rachel, director of offline retail

“Resume guitar lessons.” -Annie, CMO
“Fly to Dublin and spend Valentine’s day with my one true love, the nation of Ireland itself.” -Lena, stylist
“My father and I are planning to hike the Camino de Santiago in Spain. Also, I want to find the best sangria recipe and perfect a mind-blowing version by summer.” –Emily, manager of strategic operations initiatives

What are your better things to do this year? Tell us using #BetterThingsToDo on social media.