Rituals For Recharging from the MM Team
September 28, 2018 | Filed in: Take a Break
It’s been a week, the days are getting shorter, and our to-do lists are getting longer. In an incredibly busy season, it can be tough to keep pushing forward and not get overwhelmed—so we asked a few team members to share how they decompress at the end of their jam-packed days. Below, they share the quiet moments of reprieve they find amid all of the commotion.
A Daily Dose of R&B

Sasha wears the Dietrich jacket, the Lise top, and the Zhou Culotte.
“Crowds make me incredibly anxious, so of course I work in one of the most crowded places on earth—Times Square. Every day when I take the subway back to Harlem, I need to decompress after navigating the craziness that is midtown Manhattan. My serenity amid the chaos comes in the form of green Sol Republic Bluetooth Headphones, typically queued into the Spotify playlist ‘Daily Dose of Chill.’ My favorite artist right now is Jorja Smith—she has this incredibly soothing, old-soul raspy R&B voice. Music is an escape for me—I’ll get so lost in the songs that before I know it, I’m back home, humming the melodies long after my headphones are off.”
—Sasha, Stylist
Calmed by ‘True Crime’

Alison wears the Virginia top, the Suffolk skirt, and the Stitched Heritage belt.
“I’ve finally hopped onto the podcast bandwagon and started listening to them during my commute (I used to read actual books, but they can be tricky to juggle on a crowded subway). Podcasts put me at ease and take me out of my hectic surroundings, and as an added bonus, somehow nearly all podcast hosts have magically soothing voices. Right now, Stuff You Should Know and The Teacher’s Pet are my go-to shows. Stuff You Should Know is great for a short trip—recently, it taught me why there are no longer so many hotel fires (apparently they used to be quite common!). For longer commutes, though, I love true crime, and The Teacher’s Pet is riveting. Whether I’ve had a difficult day at work or the subway itself is just too loud, as soon as I turn on a new episode, I’m instantly transported to a different world.”
—Alison, Experience Operations Coordinator
Anime-Induced Reality Checks

Cheyenne wears the Octavia top and the Cobble Hill skirt.
“Not many people know this about me, but I’m a total anime geek! I’ve always been a sucker for cult-y, quirky, fantasy-based entertainment (my all-time favorites are Full Metal Alchemist or My Hero Academia). When I really want to tune out the world—on the subway or as a quick break during a hectic workday—I’ll pop in my earbuds and pull up a clip of my favorite series on my phone. The storylines and animations are a great escape, as well as a reminder not to take life too seriously (after all, it’s not like I’ve ever had to outrun evil magic humanoid creatures).”
—Cheyenne, Executive Assistant
Mood-Boosting Calls from Mom

Mina wears the Madison skirt, the Sant Ambroeus jardigan, the Cristeta top, and the Williamina earrings.
“Every day on my walk home from work I call my mom. The second I hear her voice on the other end of the line saying, ‘Hello Mina?’, I feel like I can finally relax. The fact that she always sounds surprised and excited that I called her, even though I do it every day, always makes me laugh. We typically chat about the news (celebrity gossip included) or updates from friends or family members (I come from an incredibly large and close-knit family that extends from India to Atlanta). In this 15 minute ritual, the silly stories or random tidbits we exchange replace any lingering workday anxiety. I always find myself at my doorstep as our conversation wraps up with a smile on my face.”
—Mina, Customer Experience Analyst
Savoring the Small Stuff

Yan wears the Morton skirt and the Zora top.
“I’ve noticed that most of the time when I’m feeling restless or anxious, it’s usually because I’m preoccupied with the ever-growing list of things I still have to do. Taking the PATH train each day from Jersey City into Manhattan provides ample time for this list to grow and my stress to build. I’ve tried the easy solves that work for most: perusing social media, Sudoku, even reading a novel or checking in on the news. While pleasant, these solutions are often temporary distractions, and my stressful feelings return as soon as I hop off the train. Instead, I’ve found tranquility in transit when I simply sit, stay still, and observe. I’ve started to notice different things—New York City smells different in the morning than it does in the evening. The adorable French bulldog I see each day, panting from his brisk commute to the station, loves to be scratched on the head and fanned by my notebook on especially warm days. Babies are just about the only people on the train who will make eye contact—I love to wave at them and watch them, wide-eyed, as they smile back. These tiny moments, unremarkable yet profound, are a sweet reminder to myself to be present in my life in a more vivid way.”
—Yan, Graphic Designer