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Practical Gifts for Her Most Impractical Wishes
From consequence-free cocktails to well-behaved companions, here’s what 10 women actually want for the holidays.
It’s gifting season, which, in my opinion, is the time of year when the worst gifts are given. Don’t get me wrong: I’m grateful for every single package I’ve hastily torn open alongside a crackling fire, right before my umpteenth rewatch of It’s a Wonderful Life. But as a gift giver, I find my December selections a little lacking in imagination due to the sheer amount of recipients on my list and the holiday rush of it all.
To help get my creative juices flowing as I shop this year, I asked 10 women what they’d actually be excited to unbox. Their answers range from surprisingly practical to things that cannot be bought, but one thing is clear: We’re all craving creature comforts and some extra moments to ourselves. If you, too, have been feeling a bit uninspired when it comes to holiday shopping, I encourage you to use these insights as your guiding light. I, for one, will be stocking up on snuggle-ready sweaters and fancy facemasks for all of my loved ones.
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“A sweater that feels like a Snuggie—but make it cute.”
Your best bet? The Lea—which as one customer put it, has “the softness of 1,000 kittens.”

“A reprieve from all the promo for the Wicked movie.”
But more Michelle Yeoh, please.
“An easier way to wash my cashmere.”
We have a few ideas.
“A puppy without having to do any of the work that comes with a puppy.”
Start stockpiling Rover gift cards stat.
“A mystical hangover-free martini.”
With extra olives. P.S. Try this in lieu of hair of the dog.
“A winter coat in that shade of green that’s so in right now.”
If the Calista coat had ears, they’d be burning.

“For my husband to be Ella Enchanted (i.e. follow orders).”
Pro tip: Get a gadget he can’t resist.
“All the minutes back I’ve spent at urgent care in the last 12 months.”
We’re not here to dole out medical advice, but several sniffly M.M. team members swear by these.
“An eighth Harry Potter book to get lost in over the holidays.”
You’ll have to settle for a re-read (or some fan fiction, if you dare). Just add this sweater and kindle a fire, and you might as well be snuggled up in the Gryffindor common room.

“Less anxiety around the job application process.”
Check out these tips on how to answer the most dreaded interview question (and how not to).