The Elsa dress.
One Slip Dress, Seven Days of the Week
Re-wearing your clothing is better for the environment and your wallet. Here’s a dress so versatile, your cost per wear will be in the pennies.
Would you wear the same dress for a week straight? If your answer is no, you probably don’t own the Elsa dress, a slip dress that challenged the way I think about styling. Made from our smoothing light scuba fabric, the Elsa is machine-washable, wrinkle-resistant, and super stretchy—and it has bra-strap holders to prevent wardrobe malfunctions.
But this dress’s real superpower is in its versatility. With a little bit of creativity, the Elsa can be styled in a range of outfits so unique from each other, nobody will notice that you’ve been wearing the same dress for seven consecutive days (and yes, we do recommend tossing it in the washing machine halfway through your marathon week of wearing).
Investing in clothes you can wear over and over doesn’t just save space in your closet, it also helps you get more for your money (not to mention the fact that it’s way better for the environment). The Elsa dress is on sale for just $75, and if you wear it for just one week, your cost per wear will be only $11 (although we have a feeling you’re going to love this dress so much, your cost per wear will be in the pennies by Q4). Here’s how to style one chic dress for all seven days of the week.
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One Slip Dress, Seven Days of the Week
Ease into the work week with soft clothing—specifically, the oversized Theo pullover, made from the plushest, most luxurious cashmere we’ve ever encountered. The Claressa hoops will make your outfit feel elevated and intentional, and the KOIO sneakers will keep you comfortable. Once you’re in for the night, swap your sneakers for slippers, pop some corn, and watch something cozy.

The Theo pullover, Elsa dress, Koio sneakers, and Claressa earrings.

The Theo pullover, Elsa dress, and Claressa earrings.

The Theo pullover, Elsa dress, and Claressa earrings.
Also known as your get-it-done day. Whether or not you’re going into the office, pairing your Elsa dress with the stretchy-seamed Yiyan blazer and suede Sedgwick belt will help kick your brain into work mode. (P.S. If you’re one of the members of our Slack workspace who said you admire Rebecca’s style in Ted Lasso, this one’s for you.)

The Yiyan blazer, Elsa dress, and Sedgwick belt.

The Yiyan blazer and Elsa dress.
Give yourself something to look forward to midway through the week by scheduling a little something for Wednesday evening. It can be anything—a pedicure, a call with a friend, a date with your couch and a box of Annie’s mac and cheese—as long as it gets you excited for the end of the day. Whatever you choose, the Elsa dress paired with the Elizabeth sweater, Anna jacket, and Lana boots will strike the right balance of casual, comfortable, and put-together.

The Anna jacket, Elizabeth sweater, Elsa dress, and Lana boots.
So here’s the deal: You have a date tonight, and you’re going to have to sneak out of work a liiittle bit early to be on time (fashionably late just isn’t your style). Make things easier on yourself by pairing your trusty slip dress with a vegan-leather jacket, sculptural earrings, and some classic pumps—polished enough for the office, but edgy enough to impress your date.

The Alphonso jacket (similar: Nicky jacket, Elsa dress, Ginger pumps, and Frida earrings (similar: Lennon earrings).
Regardless of whether your Friday plans include staying in or venturing out, this outfit will serve you well. Layer your dress with the matching Shawn sweatshirt (coming soon!), then cinch your waist with the same chic belt you wore on Tuesday. You’ll look stylish enough for whatever fancy patio restaurant your best friend has in mind, and if you end up deciding to stay in, you can just lose the belt for a lounge-ready outfit.

The Shawn sweatshirt, Elsa dress, and Sedgwick belt.
I don’t know about you, but I like my Saturdays with a bit of spontaneity. I try to maximize my flexibility by making as few set-in-stone plans as possible—and wearing an outfit that can keep up. Keep things simple by pairing the Elsa dress with the walking-friendly Rowan flats and subtle earrings, and you’ll be ready for whatever you decide to do.

The Elsa dress and Rowan flats.
I’ve found that one of the best ways to prevent the Sunday Scaries is to make evening plans. It doesn’t have to be anything too wild—just something fun enough that you’ll spend the day looking forward to your night instead of worrying about your Monday morning meeting schedule. One of the best parts of having plans is getting dressed up, so don’t hold back. Pair your Elsa dress with the Elizabeth sweater and over-the-knee Nina boots—a full-coverage look that’s somehow still sexy.

The Elizabeth sweater and Elsa dress.

The Elizabeth sweater, Elsa dress, and Nina boots.