3 Mother-Daughter Duos on the Joy of Dressing Alike
Because twinning with your mom is cool again.
Moms—they’re always right, even when we refuse to listen. (Surely you remember when your mom warned you about over-tweezing your eyebrows in middle school?) And they’re especially right when it comes to picking beautiful, timeless clothes you’ll wear for years (instead of that velour sweatsuit you simply had to have).
Don’t tell our thin-browed, questionably-clad middle-school selves, but now that we’re a little older, we think twinning with mom is actually, well, pretty cool. Here, three of our teammates tell us about the M.M. pieces they are proud to wear in tandem with their mothers.
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Callie, Our VP of Brand & Creative & Her Mom, Ellen
Callie & Ellen
In which M.M. piece do you most often twin?
The Lagarde shirt in black (along with the Graham kimono, the Carson blazer, the Didion top, the Ronda top…and the Lagarde shirt in cream). We’re both petite (5’2”), so it can be hard to find shirts that fit properly. When I first got the Lagarde, I told her about it, and she’s been a convert ever since! She especially loves the buttons that look like cufflinks and the fact that it’s wrinkle-resistant.
Besides your Lagarde shirts and your DNA, what do you two have in common?
We’re both extremely curious—which is good most of the time, until we fall into deep internet rabbit holes. She also gives me my love of the arts, so we often visit museums together (the MoMA is a favorite). We both love to cook, so Thanksgiving is especially fun.
What’s the best advice your mom ever gave you?
My mom is very wise, but she doesn’t really speak in platitudes. That said, she always raised me with the idea that I could do whatever I put my mind to, which is a nice thing to have someone constantly remind you.
How do you plan to celebrate Mother’s Day during quarantine this year?
Zoom call…and a present from M.M. (Shhh!)

Maya, Our Senior Communications Manager & Her Mom, Susan
Maya & Susan
Which M.M. pieces have found their way into both of your closets?
We have similar taste, especially when it comes to clothes and jewelry, which makes buying her presents a breeze. Lately, M.M. has become my go-to gift, and I often give her pieces I already own (and love) myself, such as the Para pullover, the Peggy top, and the Lorna shirt.
Do you share similar hobbies?
We love a lot of the same things: long walks, The Great British Baking Show, window shopping, and cooking. We’re always exchanging recipes, such as this warm and gooey citrus pudding.
What advice from your mom has stuck with you?
“Don’t take it personally.” I have a tendency to obsess and over-analyze other people’s actions. My mom is the opposite—she’s great at brushing things off and moving on. Her perspective is always incredibly helpful and reminds me to zoom out and consider the bigger picture.
Do you have a socially-distanced Mother’s Day celebration planned?
My mom, my brother, and I have been doing a weekly Sunday-morning Zoom. This Sunday’s call will be extra festive!

Sofia, Our Senior Project Manager of Creative & Her Mom, Martha
Sofia & Martha
Tell us about your matching M.M. pieces.
My mom and I both own the Giulia top, the Foster pants, the Nikita dress, and the Sjoerdina top. She had the Giulia first—I permanently borrowed it on a trip and then sent her a replacement. The rest we found on our own, though the Nikita is named for one of my best friends, whom my mom finds “wonderfully charming.”
You share similar taste in clothing and humans. What else?
I asked her, and she said, “We don’t self-identify as athletes.” Besides that: We’re both dark-and-curly-haired women who love to read and be around art. We have degrees from Dartmouth, but for different things (a BA for me, an MBA for her). We’re both hikers who have a weakness for dark-chocolate anything.
What’s the best advice your mom ever gave you?
Her best advice has always been timely and specific, but in general, she advises me to do things with kindness, making space for graciousness in any interaction. Also: Never use your teeth as a tool.
Any grand plans for Mother’s Day?
We’re lucky enough to be quarantining together, so food will be involved, and probably Scrabble. She has a monster streak going on the New York Times crossword (she and my dad race to complete it daily), so we also have to celebrate her hitting 150 days of that.