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Cozy Things to Watch, Read, Eat, Listen to, and Wear This Winter

15 Cozy Things to Watch, Read, Eat, Listen to, and Wear This Holiday Season

The M.M. team shares their top relaxation recommendations of the year.

By Madeleine Kim

At M.M.LaFleur HQ, the week between Christmas and New Year’s is an official company holiday: a full week to relax, travel, spend time with family, and work on our hobbies—without coming back to the overstuffed inboxes that usually follow week-long OOOs. I feel extremely fortunate to work at a company that values time away from the office, and every year, I look forward to taking advantage of it.

I’ve spent our glorious week off in various ways over the years, and I’ve found that, for me, the key to maximizing its restorative function lies in achieving the right amount of structure. I’ve tried planning a week that was full to the brim with museum visits, restaurant reservations, and meetups with friends, and while I had a blast, I returned to work in the new year feeling drained. I’ve also tried the inverse: no plans, no structure, just free time. This left me feeling anxious and paralyzed by decision fatigue.

The ultimate balance, for me, is this: Plan one fun thing to do each day (this could be a meal out, a massage, a movie), and outside of that, rely on The Cozy List. The What List, you ask? “The Cozy List” is a new name I just made up for a note I have in my phone of all the cozy recommendations I’ve gotten over the years, whether from friends, articles, family members, social media—you name it. From easy and comforting soup recipes to immersive TV shows about far-off lands, it’s a delightful assortment I turn to when I want to de-stress and cozy up at home.

So, in case you’re looking for some fun ways to spend your time this holiday season, I asked my coworkers to share their coziest recommendations of 2023. Read on for their picks.

If You Want to Listen...


“As I approach middle age, I’m learning that aging is a humbling and strange journey, but it is ultimately a gift —to age is to be alive! The mature women who are guests on the show are given the platform to share their experiences and learn with us, but with just the right amount of levity to keep things light and fun.”
—Faymi, D.C. Store Manager


“The Fleet Foxes are obviously not new, but I rediscovered my love for them this fall. They are quintessentially indie folk, and thus the perfect cozy music for fall and winter, and I’ve been enjoying playing their entire catalog on shuffle. Everyone knows “White Winter Hymnal,” but my personal favorite song of theirs is “Helplessness Blues” (their 2021 album, Shore, is also excellent).”
—Cindy, Senior Graphic Designer


“Recipe for a cozy Sunday night: Combine equal parts favorite Billie Holiday record + scented candles + soothing bath (I like to combine epsom salt and Palermo milk bath) + current read. Mix well and emerge restored.”
—Callie, VP of Brand and Creative

“Wiser Than Me” with Julia Louis-Dreyfus

“Wiser Than Me” with Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

Fleet Foxes

“Helplessness Blues” by Fleet Foxes.

Billie Holiday

Billie Holiday.

M.M.LaFleur’s McKenzie Sweater
Matching Hoodies for You and Your Dog

Anna and her dog, Bronny.

If you want to snuggle…


“I love my McKenzie sweater so much, I bought it in two colors. It’s the perfect item to wear all day and pairs perfectly with a viewing of The Holiday and a glass of wine.”
—Kathleen, Senior CRM Associate


“Matching with my dog in a gigantic, fluffy hoodie is 10/10 cozy. Plus, it’s especially great for his heart-shaped body type (bull-dog mixes, I’m looking at you!)”
—Anna, E-Commerce Manager


“Microwave this natural heating pad, which is filled with lavender, rice, and flax seed. Lay it on your stomach as you try to fall asleep. You will drift off in no time.”
—Callie, VP of Brand and Creative

If you want to read…


“Reading Tom Lake feels like a warm hug. During the Covid pandemic, a mother and her three daughters return home to the cherry orchard where they were raised. The girls insist on hearing their mother’s story of the summer she dated famous actor Peter Duke. Lara’s reflections on her past and present are timely, poignant, and lovely.”
–Ashley, Finance & Strategy Manager


“I got completely immersed by this fresh take on a time-travel story—one of those books where you’ll look up, see that it’s dark outside, and realize that you’ve been reading peacefully all afternoon. It’s funny, charming, and nostalgic, and I loved reading about a 40-year-old female protagonist who doesn’t fit the usual stereotypes.”
Maddie, Senior Brand Manager

Tom Lake by Ann Patchett | Cozy Things to Watch, Read, Eat, Listen to, and Wear This Winter

Tom Lake by Ann Patchett.

This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub | Cozy Things to Watch, Read

This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub.

Sheet-Pan Gnocchi | Cozy Things to Watch, Read, Eat

Sheet-Pan Gnocchi with Sausage, Brussels Sprouts, Mushrooms, and Burrata by Caroline Chambers.

Roasted Kabocha Squash Soup

Roasted Kabocha Squash Soup by Elise Bauer.

Chickpea Pasta with Spinach and Rosemary

Creamy Chickpea Pasta With Spinach and Rosemary by Alexa Weibel

If you want to eat…


“Try sheet-pan gnocchi with sausage, brussels sprouts, mushrooms, and burrata—the easiest, coziest winter recipe. Throw everything on a sheet pan and pop it in the oven for ~25 minutes. I’m making this recipe tonight for the fourth time since it was published in late October. Caroline Chambers’s “What to Cook” substack is my go-to for accessible but delicious recipes. You do need a subscription to read the recipes, but it’s worth it! (Plus it makes a great last-minute, can-send-via-email gift for someone who likes to cook, and even those who don’t.)”
–Ashley, Finance & Strategy Manager


“I’m a farmer’s market junkie, but during the colder months, produce options are more limited (lots of squash!). I like to make this super-easy kabocha squash soup with some crusty sourdough bread for a cozy lunch or dinner.”
Callie, VP of Brand and Creative


“I have been obsessed with this steep-able broth. It’s nice to switch it up from tea.”
—Anna, E-Commerce Manager


“I’ve gotten into the habit of staying in on Friday nights to recharge after the week, and this pasta recipe has become a go-to dinner. It’s just as creamy and comforting as a bowl of mac and cheese, but it’s packed with rosemary, chickpeas, and spinach, so it feels like you could be eating out at a nice Italian restaurant, even if you’re cozied up on the couch.”
Emma, Brand Manager

If you want to watch…


“By far the most beautiful movie I saw this year. It’s tender, emotionally delicate, and quietly devastating (so be prepared to cry!). But despite the aforementioned devastation, its slow, intimate nature and stunning visuals make it a cozy movie you feel submerged in, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it for a long time after I saw it.”
Cindy, Senior Graphic Designer


“The final season of Sex Education came out this year, and it did not disappoint! This show is always quirky and funny, but the characters’ arcs were much more emotional in this season: at times heartbreaking, but more often heartwarming. Highly recommend for anyone looking for something cheeky, funny, and feel-good.”
Cindy, Senior Graphic Designer


“If you love crime dramas, be sure to check out this little-known series. As the name suggests, the location is a central point of interest, as are the intricately woven storylines. The show is set on the Shetland Islands, a Scottish archipelago north of the mainland and south of Norway, which is just about as cozy as it gets. Case in point: Fair Isle sweaters are actually named after one of the islands.”
—Emma, Brand Manager

Past Lives | Cozy Things to Watch

Past Lives.

Sex Education | Cozy Things to Watch

Sex Education.



Written By

Madeleine Kim

Madeleine Kim is the Senior Brand Manager at M.M.LaFleur, where she started out as a stylist. She loves developing styling-focused content and creating newsletters that bring the M.M. community together.

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