Suit Up: 7 Women Find Their Ideal Fit
In which our M.M. team members (including a few skeptics) learn to love the full-suit look.

When it comes to suiting, you’re right to be wary. While the classic pantsuit is chic in theory, nailing the fit is a heroic endeavor. But you know us—we love a challenge! So our design team spent months developing versatile silhouettes that look on-point in a variety of contexts (from the campaign trail to the cocktail bar). We tapped seven of our M.M. team members (including a few suit-skeptics) to find their perfect fit. And given how great they look all suited up, we couldn’t help but ask if they have political ambitions of their own.
Senior Brand Associate
Maddie, Height: 5'5"

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“Probably not—mainly because I don’t like being in the spotlight. But if that changes, I’d be most interested in a position at the local level, where I could connect with and help people in my community.”

“Probably something at the local level, because I think real change starts within communities. I would focus on climate change and net-zero emissions.”
Customer Quality Manager
Casey, Height: 5'8"

Senior Communications Manager
Maya, Height: 5'5"

“Maybe the school board. I’m passionate about providing all kids with access to quality education, paying teachers what they deserve, and supporting our public schools with more funding and resources.”
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“I was too afraid to run for school office, but when I was in college, I was elected Vice President of my school's fashion program. We were the biggest organization on campus and brought in thousands of dollars a year in funding. I truly think getting that leadership experience and running for a position where I had to advocate for myself and sell my skills helped me to later land the job of my dreams and feel prepared going into it.”
Manager, E-Commerce
Christina, Height: 5'4''

VP, Merchandising and Planning
Elise, Height: 5'3"

“I’m Australian, so I’m not eligible to run or vote in the U.S.—but that doesn’t stop me from talking the ears off my American friends to influence their votes! I never thought of it as ‘running for office,’ but in high school, I was on the student council, and I was House Captain of my ‘tribe.’ In Australia, our school populations are divided into tribes/clubs and we compete against each other in all kinds of events—kind of like Gryffindor and Slytherin in Harry Potter.”

“No. I’ve taken all my leadership roles by well-organized coups. But I’d love to serve on a Water Conservation Board someday. Anything related to water reclamation and management fascinates me.”
Senior Project Manager, Creative
Sofia, Height: 5'7"

Senior Experience Operations Associate
Taylor, Height: 5'3"

“I was Vice President of the National Honor’s Society at my high school—does that count? I remember giving my speech in our school cafeteria. I wasn’t nervous, since ‘talks too much’ was the feedback I always got on my report cards. (My teachers used to say I could talk to a wall.) I ran on a platform of bringing more fundraising and charity initiatives to the school, like having a cookie sale to raise money for breast cancer research.”
Photos by Takahiro Ogawa.